Listen to this new podcast on Alexandra Hartman's journey from poetry and web design to filmmaking and the disobedient body. Alex's website, and her entire 33-minute film -- The Word Made Flesh, an be viewed at her website. Her studies that led her here encompassed Embodiment Studies, Transformative Language Arts, Filmmaking and Women's Studies. Listen to our podcast at this link.
Real Life is Real Yoga: IMA is proud to partner with the Magazine of Yoga, focusing on transformative practices in our real lives. Visit the magazine!
Worlds of Change
This blog is a project of Goddard College's Individualized MA Program, featuring the work, research, studies and arts of IMA students, faculty and alumni as they create worlds of change in their communities and beyond. This site is an independent blog, created and maintained by Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg and other Goddard IMA faculty. Goddard College is not responsible for any of this blog's content or comments.
Kri studied cultivating peacemaking through mindfulness, original play, and Akido. Contact her at or through facebook.
Talk With Lorraine Hammond, One of Our Graduates
Lorraine came to Goddard later in life to study folk music, culture, and social change. She's happy to talk with prospective students. Drop her a line at
Discover How to Make Your Own World of Change in Goddard College's Individualized MA Program